Working with Text

Various projects help students learn the different ways of formatting and designing textual elements. This collection of projects includes paragraph formatting, Words as Images, and designing a quote.

paragraph formatting

Formatting of a paragraph effects how the reader interprets the information. The following paragraphs (provided by Professor Robert Meyers) were designed using various adjustments to the shape and character settings of the paragraph.

Though it is the same paragraph in each example, the arrangement and shape effects how it is read.


Words can tell stories. Playing with elements like size, shape, color, character settings, and other elements can turn a word into an image.

Below are designs of words that are seemingly “acting out” their meanings in an image.

designing A QUOTE

Similar to the paragraph project listed above, different fonts and formatting can effect how a sentence or paragraph is read. Below are typographical designs for the quote, “Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes, design is knowing which ones to keep” by Scott Adams.

The goal was to effect the tone of the quote by changing different aspects of the type settings.


Book Covers


Student Bloopers