Personal Artwork

Arianna has been creative since she was a child and could hold her first crayon. As she grew older, she took great joy in creating distinct artworks in her free time. Throughout her schooling, she has also completed various art classes, taking as many as possible to expand her knowledge in as many mediums as she could. Today, she proudly calls herself a multimedia/mixed media artist because her work involves new and different mediums everyday.

Below is her personal Instagram feed, @arianna_multimedia, which contains her most recent work.

Commissions are Available! Contact her here.

Mural Work

Though the opportunity to create murals does not come along often, Arianna helped create two murals. Below you will see a Nickelodeon/90’s themed mural painted on the 15th floor of Lawrence Hall at Point Park University. Arianna designed, painted, and lead the team of students who helped complete the mural in three days. The mural won Point Park’s Pizza with the President Mural competition in 2014.

Also included below are tropical murals which were completed with latex house paint on Tyvek. They were displayed at post-prom celebrations for the Downingtown S.T.E.M. Academy and Downingtown West High School in Spring 2014.


Freelance Projects


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